“With help from Ava Walters Cout and neurofeedback I was able to train my brain/system to better cope with a variety of symptoms that I have been experiencing in the last several years, including stress and internalized anger. I was again able to take interest in simple things like reading for pleasure. I even found that my sleep patterns - including the ability to fall asleep - improved through the treatments… It is difficult to describe the sessions as treatments as they were non-invasive, very relaxing and enjoyable. I also believe that the success of the treatments was due to the friendly and professional expertise of Ava.”
“I was looking for some help with some issues that I had been dealing with and was recommended to Psyche and Soma by a colleague. Speaking with Ava helped me decide that the neurofeedback route was the best option to pursue in dealing with some of the issues I had been experiencing - issues such as irregular sleep, anxiety in social situations, sciatica, amongst many others. I started noticing changes right from the first session. My sciatica was lessened as was nail biting. I felt calmer as well which helps with the anxiety. I did not notice any changes to my sleeping patterns until the fourth session but that came and made the following days much better as I was more rested and more aware of my surroundings than I have been over the last 20 years. It is still early in my treatments but I find them extremely helpful and lasting a lot longer as time progresses and there are more positive changes as I continue to pursue this course of treatment.Neurofeedback is an option I would highly recommend. ”
“Prior to Neurofeedback therapy, my life was one big bundle of nerves. I was constantly on guard for some sort of catastrophe. My blood pressure was sky high (despite being on medication to lower it) and sleep was difficult. And then something wonderful happened. I had a bit of a breakdown and this brought me into contact with Ava and neurofeedback therapy. Within just a few sessions, my mind was at ease. It seems a small thing to say that I felt a profound sense of peace, but for someone who has never felt that sense of calm, this was a major breakthrough. Within a few more sessions, my heart rate calmed, my blood pressure settled, and I slept through the night. Then the worrying began to wane, and was replaced by clear thinking and a continued sense of calm. Now, when life brings me challenges, I find that I am able to cope much better. I always feel in safe, calm hands with Ava.”
“Neurofeedback has been a life-changing experience for me. I sought out
treatment with Ava due to a host of trauma-related symptoms. I also have had a life long sleep disorder that I sought treatment for at a sleep clinic where I was told there was nothing that could be done for me. After a handful of sessions, my sleep began to be regulated for the first time in my life. On top of this miracle, I feel better regulated in general and less emotionally reactive. I have also noticed that I am less distracted and more able to get tasks done without my usual procrastination. Life is much easier now in so many ways.
“I called Psyche and Soma because I was suffering from anxiety and IBS. The anxiety had impaired my ability to fully function in daily life. If I was in a stressful situation, I would be quickly overwhelmed, anxious, loose energy, feel tired and want to crawl into bed. I did a lot of overthinking and things started to pile up causing more stress. I was stuck.
After starting treatment in 2021, I saw and approached situations differently. Neurofeedback helped me in many ways. The IBS subsided as my body started to release stress. I also had much lower general pain sensitivity, and higher energy levels. On an emotional level, I stopped feeling overwhelming fear. I became more assertive and was able deal with unfair situations head on. I could stand up for myself and make changes when needed. Tasks stopped being a burden. I felt clearer and sharper mentally and was able to focus on what was needed much more efficiently. My working memory improved as well. These were very welcomed changes. I can feel my body relax during the course of the day, for example, when waiting in the car at a traffic light. Prior to this, I could only fully relax at home. I feel fresh, positive and motivated about my future goals. Very often when I wake up, I am ready to go and seize the day.
I was so fortunate to find this place and so thankful to Daniel. His expertise and years of experience as a therapist were key!
“After 7 years in talk therapy, I was still feeling stuck in my anxiety and experiencing regular heart palpitations and panic attacks. I was desperate to try something new and my therapist pointed me towards Ava and Neurofeedback. Within a few sessions, I could feel a difference. Ava was so attentive to my symptoms and responsive to what I needed. After a year of treatment, I’m happy to say that I haven’t felt this calm in years. Anxiety will always be a struggle for me, but it now feels like little blips, instead of crashing waves. I am so grateful for this amazing treatment.
“Before neurofeedback I found it hard to concentrate for any length of time. I was easily distracted and it took me a lot of time to complete tasks because of this. Daniel Cout recommended neurofeeback training and I was willing to try it because I had had enough. Within two weeks of starting training I started to feel the benefits. My ability to focus improved significantly… My energy level also went up because it only took me minutes to finish a task that previously took me several hours to complete. Neurofeedback was like getting my brain re-wired. I am now at peace with all the tasks I take on and my spouse finds me calmer because the frustration of taking too long to get things done is now gone. The result is that our relationship is better and I am at peace with the world around me and those in it. Thank you Daniel.”
“My experience with neurofeedback has been very positive. From the beginning of the treatment I noticed a change in my mood and level of happiness. Each treatment has been a positive experience and doesn’t feel like treatment at all – watching entertaining movies as part of therapy is amazing. I am confident saying that neurofeedback training has made a very noticeable, positive change to my life.”
“I first started neurofeedback in January of 2017, and let me start by saying this is truly the first time I have had any progress with my mental health. I first came to Daniel Cout to explore ways to minimize ADHD in the classroom, as well as to help with my anxiety. I did 14 sessions of neurofeedback, and after just the first session I left with a feeling of “something working.” After 6 sessions my family, friends, and teachers all started to see a huge improvement in my attention span, and sense of calmness.
Daniel Cout has been the first psychotherapist to have provided me with the mental stability and performance I require to be successful and happier in my life. I can’t thank him enough, and would recommend this to anyone who doesn’t want to take prescription medicines for their symptoms, or for those who just find nothing is working for them. Neurofeedback is the future of psychotherapy.”
“I started doing the training about a year ago after several months of being in a severely depressive state. I’d been doing talk therapy since I was in elementary school, but it never really had any long lasting effects on my mood. So when I was told about this training, I was very excited to try it. I found my sessions to be very relaxing and found my mood and disposition was brightening up. Everyone around me noticed too. Overtime I have become so much more than what I was and I have begun to take control of my life. I honestly wish I had known about this sooner in my life, but I am glad I have it now.”
“I wanted to try neurofeedback after Ava explained how it worked. I have dealt with anxiety and depression for a long while and wasn’t able to slow myself. I raced from one thing to the next, both physically and mentally. At work, I was the ‘listen and advise’ go-to person. My personal life was also a problem… When I first started this treatment, I had to fight with myself to concentrate on the movie. I felt guilty sitting watching a movie during the day, my mind bounced around, my fingers were never still and my heart raced… At this time, I am now able to concentrate and enjoy the movie. My heart no longer races and my fingers are still. I no longer feel as reactive. I can empathize and move on. I now feel calm, peaceful and content. I am able to cope and enjoy what comes my way. I am fortunate to have neurofeedback treatment as part of my care.”
“While I have found talk therapy to be extremely instrumental in my personal growth, neurofeedback has incrementally helped me let go of certain fixations and triggers. Through neurofeedback I’ve made progress in alleviating some of the physical manifestations of my anxiety and have watched myself deal with stress in a more constructive way.”
“I’ve been receiving neurofeedback therapy for close to a year now and have found it to be very effective. My therapist recommended it to treat anxiety/depression. Some of my symptoms included a loss of appetite, sleeping issues, difficulty making decisions and anxiety. At first pessimistic about its effectiveness, I was shocked when I slept soundly after my first session. It’s not a quick fix. It does take time for symptoms to gradually disappear but what I did find was that I was calmer after each session. After a very difficult year, I’m grateful to be feeling like myself again.”
“I’ve been under the care of Daniel Cout for approximately 18 months. During this time the method of what most refer to as conventional therapy (share-listen-shift) was the routine. The dilemma with me was with making the ‘shift’. Years of deeply rooted physical, mental and verbal abuse had convinced me that this was my normal. I battled ‘normal’ with pain and anxiety, and all I desired was the ability to cope and go from seven bad days to five… Daniel suggested neurofeedback. At this point I was desperate and put my faith in him. Granted it took a few treatments to find the right feedback frequency but I can confidently state that my before - anxiety, paranoia, fear/flight pain - shifted to resiliency, ability to rationalize, and reduction of angst. Therefore, for those ‘stuck’ in the ‘shift’, neurofeedback is worth trying.”
“Our experience with neurofeedback is extremely positive. Our teenager is journeying with depression, anxiety and PTSD. We have explored most avenues of help, each having reasonable credit. However, for our teenager, neurofeedback – under the skillful guidance of Ava Walters Cout – has produced the best results. The shift of relief is steady and allows our teenager to explore newer positive parts of thinking. We are very excited and appreciative about the changes.”
“Neurofeedback changed my life. When I began I was too anxious to leave my house. Simple tasks like getting dressed or making myself breakfast were too overwhelming. Thanks to neurofeedback, these tasks have not only become doable but I’ve been able to embrace and participate in a whole other dimension of life because of my newly-found emotional resilience. I have moved across the country and made friends. I’ve been able to cope with all the new stresses and excitement that first-year university brings. Thank you Daniel and Ava for helping to facilitate this enormous improvement in my quality of life.”
“I’m a 46 year old woman diagnosed with Bipolar disorder Fibromyalgia and
severe migraines. When I learned about Neurofeedback it sounded too
good to be true. I was skeptical but I’d tried everything else and had
nothing to lose so I decided to give Neurofeedback a try.
In just a few sessions, my fibromyalgia pain significantly decreased as did my foggy
mental state. I could finally think clearly and my sleep was much improved.
I was finally sleeping through the night. In the past I would wake up
constantly trying to find a less painful position. I haven’t slept like this since
I was a kid! Now I wake up feeling rested and I have a new outlook on life.
An additional benefit of the Neurofeedback training is that I’m no longer
struggle with racing thoughts which used to interfere with everything. Since
I began the Neurofeedback training, I’m calmer; in less pain, more in
control of my mind and definitely happier. Neurofeedback has really
improved the quality of my life. I feel truly blessed to have been given this
gift of functioning well and enjoying life again.”
“Up until 6 months ago, my CPTSD was affecting every aspect of
my life in a very negative way. Despite many years of going from
one therapist to the next it became obvious that talk therapy was
not the right road for me to travel. That’s when I met with Ava
Walters Cout and after a couple of meetings she suggested
neurofeedback. I can honestly say that this is the best thing I
have done for myself. Neurofeedback gave me the tools to shake
that big black cloud hovering over me day in day out. I would
strongly recommend it to anyone who struggles like I did. I will
be forever grateful for the changes in my life.”
““I was looking for some help in dealing with among other things, sleep issues,
social anxiety and sciatica pain. A colleague recommended that I contact Ava
Walters Cout and after consulting with her we decided that Neurofeedback
would be my best treatment option.
I began to notice changes fairly quickly. My sciatica pain was
lessened and I noticed that I was biting my nails less often. I felt calmer and
my anxiety began to lift as well. By the fourth session that I noticed positive
changes in my sleep which made the days much better. I am now better rested
and more aware of my surroundings than I have been in the last 20 years! Its
still early in my treatment but I’m noticing the changes lasting longer and
longer as continue with the training.
I would highly recommend Neurofeedback.”
“I started doing the Neurofeedback training about a year ago after several months of being in a severely depressive state. I’d been involved in talk therapy since I was childhood, but I found that it never had any long lasting effects on my mood. When I learned about the Neurofeedback training I was very curious excited to try it. I found the sessions to be very relaxing. It wasn’t long before I began to notice that my mood and disposition were brightening up. The people around me noticed too! In the time since I began with Neurofeedback I have become so much more than what I was and I’ve begun to take control of my life. I wish I had known about Neurofeedback sooner, but I am glad I have it now.”
“Neurofeedback has truly been a life changing experience for me! When I initially came for help it was after suffering from a major emotional breakdown and I felt anxious, chronically agitated, angry and exhausted. I had spent most of my adult life medicated for depression and years of traditional talk therapy had limited results.The last thing I wanted was to do more talk therapy.
When I was first introduced the idea of Neurofeedback I remember feeling a little nervous about messing around in my nervous system yet, I could not tolerate living another day with nausea, pain, insomnia, itching, crying, apathy, anger, indecisiveness, and a general inability to cope or complete everyday functions. The process was explained and I was given information so that I could do research about Neurofeedback on my own after which I concluded that it was safe and decided that it was worth a try.
After the first session I was stunned, I couldn’t understand how something so simple could have such a powerful impact! Looking back, I’m amazed how painless and simple my healing has been. Many of my physical symptoms disappeared right away and a few took a little bit longer. But now, as I look back, I find it almost impossible to remember how much I suffered both physically and emotionally. I remember the my first full night of proper, restful sleep, it was glorious.
I have made so many positive changes. My daughter says I no longer look angry all the time. My closest friends now describe me as a calm person! I would now describe myself as peaceful and content. I am so pleased with the the Neurofeedback training. My only regret is that I didn’t find it 20 years sooner! I did not realize how much pain and discomfort I lived with daily, until it was gone.”