Do you feel chronically exhausted? Do you notice a lack of interest and pleasure in your usual activities? Do you have difficulty concentrating and getting things done? Is your sleep disrupted? Have you found that medication isn’t helpful with these symptoms or do you worry about the side effects?
One in three adults will struggle with depression during their lifetime. However, the cause, intensity, and duration of the depressive episodes can vary greatly between individuals. For some, depression manifests as an inability to find joy or pleasure in their life. For others, depression is an inability to find the willpower to do even the simplest daily tasks.
Countless theories have been proposed regarding depression, but little is still known about the causes or cures. We know this much—for some people, depression is caused by a particular event, such as a profound loss. For others, a depressive episode appears to come from out of the blue, with no identifiable cause or trigger. Genetics and early childhood experience can work to create early vulnerability to depression. For many decades the primary treatment for depression has been medication. While many have found this helpful, many more have not. Concerns about the efficacy of these medications and the consequences of long term usage are very common.
How we CAN help
Recognizing that experiences with depression can be complex and wide-ranging, we offer an array of treatment options for including Neurofeedback and psychotherapy.
Oftentimes, all it takes to overcome depression is to develop a meaningful connection with another human being, especially someone skilled at listening such as a psychotherapist. The experience of feeling less alone and understood can be surprisingly powerful. However, there are times when psychotherapy alone will not be enough to turn the tide, and in these situations we offer Neurofeedback. By calming and re-regulating the nervous system, Neurofeedback can have a profound antidepressant effect. It’s difficult to generate depressing thoughts and emotions when you’re feeling calm and alert. Many clients come to us after having tried a myriad of other treatments with limited success. We have found Neurofeedback to be particularly helpful for those with ”treatment resistant depression” and with clients who are wanting to decrease their reliance on medication. The results with Neurofeedback training are long lasting.