Peak Performance — Psyche & Soma

Peak performance

Are you interested in reaching your potential as student, business person, athlete, musician, artist? Do you want to enhance and optimize how your nervous system? Would you like to feel calmer and perform better under pressure?   

How WE can help

By identifying areas of your brain that support a particular skill, Neurofeedback can give you a competitive edge. Neurofeedback can help refine your skills, reduce barriers, and  increase your performance. The same technology that enables us to successfully treat clinical symptoms such as anxiety and panic disorder also allows us to optimize brain function for people who seek to improve physical and psychological performance. By  making brain function more harmonious and efficient, Neurofeedback has been shown  to significantly decrease reaction time, increase focus and concentration, reduce anxiety, and stimulate creativity. 

Athletes who have turned to Neurofeedback often report that they see the ball (or puck) more clearly, or that the action of the game appears to be slower than before because they’re thinking and seeing more clearly. Musicians notice that Neurofeedback training makes them calmer and stimulates creativity such that they can fully immerse  themselves in their music. Students find that, by being calmer and more alert, they  have an easier time learning new material and report significantly less anxiety while  taking tests. If you feel as though you would like to perform at a higher level in just about any endeavour, Neurofeedback may be just the right option for you. 

Neurofeedback for peak performance begins with a “Cognitive Performance Test” that measures focus, reaction time and impulse control. Then we formulate a personalized training protocol to meet your goals. 


Psyche & Soma’s Ava Walters Cout recently discussed Neurofeedback training and running performance with Canadian Running Magazine

Mental health is top of mind for most of us these days. The pandemic has increased isolation, depression and anxiety. At the same time, it has limited our races and group runs. Over the last two years, many athletes have opened up about their personal mental health struggles, and the resources they turn to for help. In this episode Shakeout host and Olympian Kate Van Buskirk shares her experience with neurofeedback training, a form of therapy that helps to regulate the central nervous system. Kate is joined by neurofeedback practitioner Ava Walters Cout. Kate and Ava chat openly about how this therapy can be effective for the mental health and performance of runners at all levels. Listen below!



As a professional pianist and jazz musician, I had heard from other musicians about how Neurofeedback has been helpful to them. I decided to try it for myself. I was delighted to find how much a difference it made in my ability to play. The first thing I noticed was that I felt much calmer. After that, I began to notice that time seemed to slow down, which enabled me to recognize patterns in the music I had previously missed. Also, my bandmates noticed that I was playing with greater confidence and ease. Neurofeedback has made me a better musician—and a calmer person overall.