Insomnia / Sleep Disorders
Do you suffer from frequent bouts of insomnia and find yourself not feeling rested in the morning? Have you been dependent on medication to help you sleep? Do you wake frequently in the middle of the night and find it difficult to quiet your mind and fall back to sleep?
Sleep is vitally important for maintaining our physical and emotional health. Research has shown that lack of sleep predicts shorter life expectancy and increased vulnerability to every major disease. As we age, it becomes more difficult to sleep, and yet contrary to popular belief, older people need as much sleep as younger people do. Sleep boosts our immune system and helps prevent cognitive decline. Sleep also improves concentration, memory and focus. Lack of sleep also undermines our ability to effectively regulate our emotions.
How WE can help
We have found that Neurofeedback is an extremely effective treatment for a variety of sleep problems. Improvement in sleep is often one of the first changes that our Neurofeedback clients notice.
Neurofeedback improves sleep in two distinct ways: first, by calming the nervous system and second, by restoring the brain to its natural rhythm. A chronically alert nervous system prevents us from achieving true, restorative rest. Neurofeedback allows us to restore flexibility to a chronically over aroused nervous system.
As with all biological systems, the brain is a rhythmic organ. Television and computer screens, travel between time zones, and shift work are some of the most obvious culprits that undermine and disrupt these natural rhythms. Neurofeedback training restores the brain’s natural rhythms and allows the brain and nervous system to re-regulate itself.
“Neurofeedback training has been a life changing experience for me. I sought out treatment with Ava due to a host of trauma related symptoms and a life-long sleep disorder. I had previously sought treatment for the sleep disorder at a sleep clinic, where I was told there was nothing that could be done for me. After a handful of sessions my sleep began to be regulated for the first time in my life. On top of this miracle I feel better regulated in general and less emotionally reactive. I have also noticed that I am less distracted and more able to get tasks done without my usual procrastination. Life is much easier now in so many ways.”