Passive Infrared Hemoencephalography
We are pleased to offer our clients pIR HEG, a powerful treatment option for people who struggle with depression, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, migraine headaches, and OCD.
What is pIR HEG?
This acronym stands for Passive Infrared Hemoencephalography.
Hemoencephalography refers to the way blood and energy move throughout the brain. Developed by Jeffrey Carmen (PhD), pIR HEG is another style of neurofeedback designed with the goal of increasing metabolic activity in the front of the brain, an area known as the prefrontal cortex.
The prefrontal cortex, or PFC, is the area of our brain located just behind the forehead. The PFC is responsible for managing capacities that we group under the term “executive functions” which include: short term memory, organization, planning, impulse control, and attention.
For those who suffer from deficits in executive functioning, their lives can be greatly improved by strengthening the neural connections within the PFC. pIR HEG trains the PFC to exert greater control over the entire brain making it possible to suppress impulses that get in the way of effective functioning. With a strong PFC, we have more control over our attention, our emotions, and our behaviour.
What is a pIR session like?
The pIR headband is placed on your forehead, and you watch a movie. The screen will provide feedback (by shrinking or pixelating or clarifying), which sends gentle signals to your brain, informing it of its own activity. Your brain will receive these signals and adapt in its own unique way. We’re just there to gently help the brain learn to help itself.
“The first time we tried the pIR, I was feeling depressed. After the first treatment, I would say my mood was “fixed”. I felt good, I was able to function, I was able to work. I had focus, energy, and interest in life again. As I’ve continued, I’ve found that for days after treatment I have additional focus, interest, motivation, and attention to detail. I attribute this to pIR. Thank you.”