Do you struggle with excessive worry and racing thoughts? Do you spend too much time predicting the future and not enough time enjoying the present?
Everyone feels anxious some of the time. Anxiety in the right amount is a good thing. In its best form, anxiety is a signal that tells us to prepare for a potential problem. People who struggle with anxiety may worry too much and often have great difficulty turning the feeling off. They may live in a constant state of emergency, making it difficult to sleep, and undermining their ability to be productive. Chronic anxiety may compromise our physical health by effecting digestion, causing chronic muscle tension, chest pain and headaches. Anxiety undermines our ability to live in the present moment and may strain our relationships with others
How we CAN help
If you struggle with anxiety what are your options? We provide several highly regarded treatments for anxiety. We often begin our work by educating our clients about their nervous systems. Understanding the role of anxiety and why it develops, plays a powerful role in helping to mange symptoms. We also discuss lifestyle factors that can help to support a healthy nervous system. Psychotherapy allows us the opportunity to explore beliefs and assumptions that may contribute to anxiety, such as perfectionism and other irrational beliefs. With the addition of Neurofeedback, we have the ability to calm the nervous system directly removing the physical symptoms of anxiety and retraining the nervous system to find and maintain a healthy balance.